Level 105 Thợ săn

Đã xem 227 hôm trước @ Gaia #1
Rank: #2705
There is no such thing as “truth” or “lies” in this world; there never has been. There are only plain, hard facts. And yet, all beings who exist in this world acknowledge only those “facts” that are convenient to them, and take them to be the “truth”. They do so because they know no other way of living. However, for those powerless beings who comprise the majority of this world’s population, inconvenient facts that affirm their very existence, are their only truth.” – Sosuke Aizen
Quests:   172
Đơn vị đã bị giết:   8,445
Chiến thắng:   0
Thua:   11
Nhiệm vụ:   0
Máy chủ #2 xếp hạng.:   #90
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Lần đăng nhập cuối: 2023-09-30 03:25
Đăng ký: 2021-06-12 17:25