Level 162 Supreme Death Angel

Đã xem 133 hôm trước @ Gaia #1
 Court of Corinath 

Rank: #63
My son, the day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name Arthas.
My child, I watched with pride as you grew into a weapon of righteousness.
Remember, our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength. And I know you will show restraint when exercising your great power.
But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people. I tell you this, for when my days have come to an end, you shall be King.
Quests:   364
Đơn vị đã bị giết:   73,923
Chiến thắng:   5
Thua:   1
Nhiệm vụ:   3
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Quốc gia: United States
Lần đăng nhập cuối: 2024-01-02 10:31
Đăng ký: 2018-07-16 01:20