Speak and be heard
Or don't and regret
Its easier said than done
But things left unsaid
They rot and they fester inside you
Turn you into someone
You despise altogether
Or don't and regret
Its easier said than done
But things left unsaid
They rot and they fester inside you
Turn you into someone
You despise altogether
Quests: | 421 |
Units Killed: | 26,200 |
PvP Wins: | 16 |
PvP Losses: | 156 |
Tasks: | 0 |
PvP Round Ranking: | #14 |
Class Ranking: | #4 |
Martis Ranking: | #93 |
Country: Christmas Island
Last login: 2021-10-28 06:56
Registration: 2019-04-01 04:44

Country: Christmas Island
Last login: 2021-10-28 06:56
Registration: 2019-04-01 04:44