My name is lordajie. Im a paladin from erathia city. My duty to protect my king from attack by blackdragon. One beautiful day, my king gave me order to kill blackdragon. I cant reject that order, even i know i will be killed by blackdragon. While i was going to conflux town, i met someone, And her name was shatter. But, she was bleeding, i didn't thought she would survive. She told me to not go to conflux,Because blackdragon destroy conflux town and killed everyone. but i ignore her. And then shatter give me a magic scroll to learn chain lightning spell. When i arrived at the conflux, i saw blackdragon is sleeping. Thats my chance to kill him. I prepare to cast chain lightning. But, blackdragon woke up and fly after me. I casted a few chain lightning, and he always avoid it. Im almost out of mana, i close my eyes and cast my last chain lightning. And i got it. Blackdragon is almost die. And then i stab his head with my sword. I kill blackdragon, and i be a legend now... THE END
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Quốc gia: Indonesia
Lần đăng nhập cuối: 2015-02-24 03:19
Đăng ký: 2012-09-16 01:17

Quốc gia: Indonesia
Lần đăng nhập cuối: 2015-02-24 03:19
Đăng ký: 2012-09-16 01:17