Level 101 Amazon

Seen 3105 days ago @ Gaia #1

Ranking: #3529
[Thanks my clan [keys of hell] , and a special thanks to my brothers friends, (relentless-3) , (-pilllow-) , (knightdavion1) , (bigblue) , my dear friend ( heavanna) , (prince_gelare) - thanks you (boypana) , thanks you my bro (bleak) , thanks you (-jade-) , WAS A PLEASURE TO PLAY THIS s2 WITH YOU ] -sleep- -slow- xD xD xD
» Pets
Units Killed:   26,028
PvP Wins:   5
PvP Losses:   8
Tasks:   31
PvP Round Ranking:   #5
Class Ranking:   #2
Country: Brazil
Last login: 2015-12-07 16:02
Registration: 2014-11-01 00:01