Level 154 Necromancer

Seen 95 days ago @ Gaia #1
Ranking: #156
Almighty Archangel- 3x
Medusa Emperor- 3x
Mighty Gorgon King- 22x
Demon Baron- 3x
Shiny Night Dragon- 3x
Infernal Troglodyte- 15x
Archi magi- 3x
Harpy Hag- 3x
Demon- 24x
Lich Mogul- 24x
Lich- 24x
Ogre Mage- 24x
Vampire- 24x
Zombie- 24x

Rings- 72x
Dragon’s eye- 6x
Undead Crowns- 24x

Bloodsoaked ring- 24x
The Lich’s Tooth- 24x
Keh’s Might- 12x
Gleamstone- 12x
Spellbinder- 12x
Keh’s Rulership- 3x
Plainswalker’s Relic- 3x
Hero’s Ring- 3x
Ring of Chaac- 3x
Rahvan’s Fist- 2x
The Oculus- 1x
The Eternal Union- 1x
Windweaver- 1x
» Pets
Quests:   75
Units Killed:   46,142
PvP Wins:   36
PvP Losses:   42
Tasks:   0
Country: -
Last login: 2024-12-05 02:41
Registration: 2022-01-12 00:56