Level 141 Royal Diablo

Seen 142 days ago @ Gaia #1

Ranking: #339
PvP Round Winner #24
PvP Round Winner #20
Bet you havent seen this many blackdragon scrolls before! :) ........................................................................................................................ SHOUT OUT FOR LETTING ME BUY THE SCROLLS GO TO MILENKO, ILLUSIONZ, AND JECHT THANKS!
Winner: silent_blue
Got item! Royal Dragon's The Ageless Hunter
great_milenko - 708,979
silent_blue - 1,215,626
Horror_Dragon is my brother! Stay blue fam.
Quests:   24
Units Killed:   49,473
PvP Wins:   65
PvP Losses:   60
Tasks:   1
PvP Round Ranking:   #20
Class Ranking:   #2
Country: United States
Last login: 2023-12-07 23:27
Registration: 2015-11-22 06:08