Level 105 Amazon

Seen 114 days ago @ Gaia #1
 [ RoyaL ] 

Ranking: #2999
[Gaia PvP #82] 🇵🇪 Peru/Inca Theme!

Dragons Hunt » Royal Dragon

1. baraw 2,095,221
2. sniperx 1,332,261
3. -juicewrld- 1,094,776

dreamer: Congratulations!
You have been awarded with Inca Warrior's Magic scroll for finishing as #3 Dragon Hunter in PvP Server!

dreamer: Congratulations!
You have been awarded with Amaru for finishing as #10 Pet in PvP Server!

dreamer: Congratulations!
You have been awarded with Inca Warrior's Magic scroll for finishing as #7 Hunt in PvP Server!

dreamer: Congratulations!
You have been awarded with Recipe of Doomfletch for finishing as #7 Amazon in PvP Server!

dreamer: Congratulations!
You have been awarded with Mythic Powder for finishing as #12 player in PvP Server!
» Pets
Quests:   130
Units Killed:   44,444
PvP Wins:   303
PvP Losses:   126
Tasks:   0
PvP Round Ranking:   #12
Class Ranking:   #7
Country: Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Last login: 2024-11-29 12:50
Registration: 2022-06-01 02:39