Level 125 Supreme Amazon

Seen today @ Gaia #1

Ranking: #1011
Arena [1]
Timeless Dragon of 🐉CHRONOS_CLAN🐉
A majestic being of infinite wisdom, adorned with shimmering scales and glowing runes of time. Once a guardian of balance, it now wanders the realms, its fractured hourglass heart radiating both awe and the weight of a disrupted eternity.
Hundac's Quest in Dragonstone!
timeless_drag0n KILLED Chrono Shade @ Dragon vault (II)
Kilgor's Quest in Dragonstone!
The 50 Chrono Shards contain the essence needed to restore the Timeless Hourglass.
timeless_drag0n - 59,802
Chronos - 3,661,363
Grundatin Thank you so much!
Dandanstran Thank you so much!
Elemental Lord Monere Thank you so much!
Elemental Lord Kalt Thank you so much!
Elemental Lord Fiur Thank you so much!
You became #1 Amazon in Warriors league!
You are upgraded to Supreme Amazon
Viddoc Thank you so much!
» Pets
Quests:   123
Units Killed:   21,989
PvP Wins:   0
PvP Losses:   6
Tasks:   0
PvP Round Ranking:   #80
Country: -
Last login: 2025-03-27 11:59
Registration: 2025-01-10 07:55