Level 111 Death Angel Necromancer

Seen 118 days ago @ Gaia #1
 The Black Hand 
Ranking: #2014
Hundac [Armors]
• The centurion
• Kraken shell
• Lance gaurd
• Pelta lunata
• Poison mail
• Sacred armor
• Steel clash
• Venoms ward
• Wall of eyes
• War bonnet
• White wolf's head
• Worm skull

Viddoc [Runes]
• Rune Chul
• Rune Fem
• Rune Mal
• Rune Mir
• Rune Nem
• Rune Rin
• Rune Sur
• Rune Tol
• Rune Uld
• Rune Zod
» Pets
Quests:   265
Units Killed:   23,913
PvP Wins:   43
PvP Losses:   74
Tasks:   0
PvP Round Ranking:   #36
Class Ranking:   #6
Country: Sweden
Last login: 2024-05-25 11:45
Registration: 2020-06-16 21:13