Level 130 Supreme Assassin

Đã xem 404 hôm trước @ Gaia #1
 Beater Frontline 

Rank: #844
11-17 a.m.April 13 2023..
Celestial King
Please, accept this token of my appreciation as a small gesture of my thanks. May it bring you good fortune and blessings on your journey.
3-14 pm,april 17 2023
Prince Gelare
Thank you so much! You were rewarded with +50 skill points.
Ass.1@elix, crafted, ingre,charm,gems
Conflux@ms, rune

1-00 pm april 19.
yueki_maou_sama - 365
Royal Dragon [10] - 2,090,028
yueki_maou_sama cast spell: Blaze. Damage 133 (health left: 9,426,812).
yueki_maou_sama dealt Damage 232 (health left: 9,426,580). Critical hit bonus! [205%]
Royal Dragon [10] cast spell: Prayer.
Royal Dragon [10] dealt Damage 2,090,028 (died). [200%]
» Vật nuôi
Quests:   241
Đơn vị đã bị giết:   33,955
Chiến thắng:   11
Thua:   15
Nhiệm vụ:   0
Máy chủ #2 xếp hạng.:   #66
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Lần đăng nhập cuối: 2024-02-12 12:59
Đăng ký: 2023-03-31 01:18