deadlypranay: If only 100+ wisdom that will can be learn by all easily.. Because of level 5 ruby.. Crafte on worse item. And wear it. . But if you need all status how can you maintain it? I can easily do my wisdom out of 100 but its little bit difficult to maintain 3 skills upto 50 so i think its good to 3
11-01-28 12:53
zhypmk: i agree with proto
11-01-28 09:58
prototype: Then what's the point of being a pure spellcaster (Dex+Wis) if you can't learn the good spells? I reckon the strongest spells should need 100+ wis instead.
11-01-28 09:56
katrine: thats my point u need to work for them to earn those strong spells
11-01-28 07:41
deadlypranay: Toker is right. I want to say that it will make hard to learn the spell..
11-01-27 12:10
deadlypranay: Stupid think about rare spell.. It should be hard to learn.. So i think it should be required Strenght and dexterity.. This requiredness is only for that it will make a little bit hard to learn rare spells.. Thats it
11-01-27 12:08