15-07-02 20:31

Recipe of Eye of the tempest
-Master genies Kreyas pendent
-Master Genie’s Mysterious token
Eye of the tempest
Damage: +100
Health: +500
Strength: +50
Dexterity: +50
Endurance: +50
Wisdom: +150
Level: 100
Wisdom: 1000
Slot: Amulet
Posts like that ^ Remember to put the . first and press enter. Its the only way i could find to get all the infromation to line up tidely. Doesnt matter if you press enter first without the '.' it just disregards the the line break any messes up the presentation of the forum. I know its not 100% important but if you're spending all the time making the forum it would make sense to do it best you could.
On another note ive think the last pinned topic should be
Legendary Gear; Class: All lvl100+
That would cover all 10 pinned topics and again would make your life alot easier on updating this forum. You see of dreamer brings out new equipments it will be either class based or it will be for level100+ i really dont think he will bring legendary non classed based gears for under level 100 so that forum will be essentially always complete and all those posts will never need edited again. It will be so much easier for you to just add gears to the class thread they belong to or the level 100+ as we both know to put them in alphabetical order takes a long time posting them starting at the end so it shows with A starting. I did it back to front the first time i could of cried haha. To do it now with all the recipies there is would be an absolute nightmare.
15-01-24 16:55

It would be good however if you could put a * next to the items thats used in better equipments and are more valuable than others.
15-01-23 17:12

The forum should have pinned topics
Legendary Gear; Class: All
Legendary Gear; Class: Amazon
Legendary Gear; Class: Assassin
Legendary Gear; Class: Barbarian
Legendary Gear; Class: Druid
Legendary Gear; Class: Necromancer
Legendary Gear; Class: Paladin
Legendary Gear; All Ingredients
Now thats 8 topics and you can pin 10
The topics in that forum that are already in the library are not needed. When i origonally created the forum showing stats of weapons and gears the library was a complete mess and took forwver to find things. Now it has sub sections and has been made easier to navagate so do away with those topics.
Things like what to do with copper bars and making gods amulets could be changed to a whole new topic called
Begginers Basics
In that topic you post all such posts for newbies. This would take it to 9 total forum pinned topics.
The dragon title ropic is not needed. Its in the library.
15-01-23 17:09

I can only "pin" so many threads at the top, and they would get bumped lower into the forums without pinning.
15-01-23 01:30

Each thread would be in alphabetical order and im sure it wouldnt take much to write s1/s2 on each item. Would be a much more useful and easier to update system all round. Again updates of any new classes would simply mean adding a new thread instead of the work it would take to add them to an already exsisting page
15-01-22 19:51