Only thing I don't like is the fact that for all classes it requires strength and dex. Sure this is a way to help keep dex down on some players, or at least give a new tactic in battle that could combat high dex but, it's a bit flawed on magic casting chars. This isn't as simple as it sounds because 1 str is not the same as 1 wis. This means you can't simply alter it to dex/wis for druid calculations as they need 5 wis roughly to 1 str.
Now call it bind for mages and have it work when casting offensive magic.
This still doesn't solve the way it can be used. Endurance is pretty crappy right now. Maybe that and dex should be what is took into consideration. And let's make say 30% proc chance at most. (in 3 rounds it should happen in most fights at least one time)
Block/parry would be good also. Similar idea, it would just give chances of negating all damage. I cba to work out proc rate and things right now haha.
But yeah sorry, nice idea man
15-10-29 01:58
15-10-14 14:15
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