vendetta: so am i to understand that the on;y way to play black dragon from Facebook is via phone? i can't access apps in Facebook from my phone. ugh
11-03-26 02:17
pho3nix: nice graphics n logo theme on fb

gud job
11-03-22 04:14
reyz2shilx: my only probleme here is, the page is too large, but its okei, atleast i cn play it now
11-03-17 15:48
reyz2shilx: hey dreamer,finaly i cn login on it using my phone hehe this is my first time to see whats inside the blackdragon in facebook when im logon

its super cool my phones unit is only nokia 6680
11-03-17 15:45
dreamer: Sorry, I'm working on that.. I have absolutely no idea why this happens as the Login system is provided by Facebook and is kinda confusing. I will let you know once the login system is rewritten. However, it works for some of us.
11-03-13 16:49