Ideas » Changing our lame pvp system
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zhypmk: Id Pvp you Venum Haha
11-03-25 02:36
widowmkr: Lmao yup 1 step closer just popd 71 on hydra
11-03-25 02:36
vafunculo: Lmao yes come pk me, I will leave pvp on.
11-03-25 02:03
venum: Dont worry vaf widow going to pk u. I pop 80 with her its on. Ur barb cant beat this chr or epidemic that why u refuse
11-03-25 01:27
vafunculo: I told you I wanted to fight widow with smashu, you declined, I also yolks you that if I had to go they the bother of gearing my barb I wanted to fight widow with it you refused again, so don't come here spouting off.
11-03-25 00:49
venum: Vaf ur so full of it dude. U said u use a 58 barb. I logd went there an u had a 69 paladin. Wow it take a 69 to pk a 48 with u. Lmao
11-03-25 00:34
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