Ideas » Changing our lame pvp system
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idiot_terror: My idea is there would only 2 servers. Server 1 is a non-pvp server and 2 is pvp always on. All players can enter in any of the server they want. You have to choose server first before logging in.
It should works like the existed server 2 - separate lands, cities and quest but pvp always on and no gear lost.

You can always get back to server 1 or 2 anytime you want.
11-03-24 12:53
teeta: And Whisper: *hush*. I seriously doubt that Dreamer will make BD like Shade. His goal is to make a unique game, unlike other RPG games. If it weren't already very different from Shade, you would not be here...
11-03-24 06:13
teeta: What makes what you want more important than what others want Vaf? I never claimed to speak for the other players in BD, but you have made that claim. ;D

Okay... let's cut the baby in half... ;D

Why not make Server 2 PvP on at all times, with no loss of gear when PKed?

And leave Server 1 PvP optional...
11-03-24 05:57
vafunculo: That's funny venom, there were more players then. You should really know what your talking about before pressing post. You want pvp on in castles because it benefits you seeing as you are way higher than the people who usually hunt castles but pvp all the time, where someone could kill you is no good? Lol, your funny
11-03-24 03:16
venum: Server 2 or 3. Or are u afraid vaf. Go there pk all u want. And no not lots want pvp. Games change and advance vaf. There wouldnt be as near as many players in bd if it was pvp server 1
11-03-24 03:10
vafunculo: The end of post should have read, very rare for a player to kill another player and the pvp should never have been changed it made the game kind of stale
11-03-24 01:19
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