Ideas » Generating and keeping new players.
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jony: Lol yeah i agree.
11-03-24 14:20
vafunculo: Thanks jony, I don't read every thread because it's usually someone wanting game made easierlol, this is the thread that idea should be posted in now tho to make a collective of ideas in one spot
11-03-24 14:16
vafunculo: I also noticed if you google mmorpg for mobile you will be hard pressed to find black dragon. Anyone know how to get website to show up in google if you do a general search for mmorpg? If you search by name it obviously comes up but what if people searching for games never see this one? Los off potential players are lost
11-03-24 14:13
jony: Good idea vafunculo. Lol that's been mentioned in other topics though
11-03-24 14:11
vafunculo: Like maybe some clan wars or something, example. One clan declares war on another and then all players from both clans become attackable till one side wins, or maybe someone is picking on someone else they couldput a contract out on a player, and place a bounty on them. First person to kill that player with a contract on them wins the bounty.
11-03-24 14:08
vafunculo: Well Red, that's another example of someone wanting game made easier for them. 9 out of 10 request made are for ways to make game easier, maybe if game had mmore interaction among players instead of just killing npc units we could acquire more players
11-03-24 14:03
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