Off-topic » favorite beers
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chops: sam adams make a dark beer. expensive but tastey. but lets face it after few, who gives a shit. pass the buds. lol
11-04-18 02:45
sepsis: Perminator or Shiner Bock. Yum! ;)
11-04-18 09:08
tok3r: Im w/ ch0ps. Ill stick w/ budwieser.
11-04-19 00:24
sl0th: Becks or bud light with lime
11-07-08 08:30
lightning: Mmm shiner bock ! Or maybe an ice cold lone star
11-07-09 05:54
the_death_dealer: beers for pansys and daisys grab some jack
11-07-09 11:31
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