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bork: idiot_terror: Few problems about your PvP idea, if im stepping on a unit, how would you see my character icon? Also if theres 2 or more player in the map, how would the icon look if 2 player were in the same block?
ANSWER: character icon would be prioritized to appear in the map instead of monsters. if there are two or more characters occupying the same spot. dreamer can simply make a character icon appear in random manner OR the character closest to your level would be prioritized OR in alphabetical order of the username OR maybe you can help me think moderator.

With the druid range type. If they were at long range, how can a monster retaliate to them?
ANSWER:" I got this idea from the pvp attacking system: Where as.. you can see all online players in the map and attack them if they stay in that same map.." that in pvp, the PKer doesn't need to occupy their prey's spot to attack them but ofcourse if the PKer attacks, exchange of attacks take place, same thing goes for long range druid spell attacks -that once monsters ware attacked, they would retaliate normally.
11-04-19 18:09
bork: vafunculo: terror is right, your long range monster attack is not possible because monsters can't retaliate. your pvp idea is just another way to try to avoid pvp...too many variables as terror pointed out.

ANSWER: long range spell attack i believe is possible. let us just givem druids the advantage that should be given to them. and YOUR SECOND REMARK IS NOT HELPFUL AND WILL OPEN A LOTTA THINGS TO ARGUE ABOUT.

if you are worried about a stronger player hunting you, maybe I have a practical answer..the players online list could be made to not show a players location..just that they are online.

ANSWER: nobody is afraid of no one. people just dont wanna be bothered in the midst of their hunt. HUNTNG-PKing I believe requires the fact that your prey is within your physical grasp knowing that your weapon is an axe. so.."Think about this: This should add more excitement and more escape and security against those PKER compare to easily being attacked just by clicking your username in the map online list."

vafunculo: there are rings available for casters, archi magi leader, angel ring, archangel ring the last 2 have no dex boost, but have mana and wisdom, archi magi leader ring is wisdom and dex..

ANSWER:. thank you, but do you personally believe that those are enough?
11-04-19 18:51
widowmkr: Why boost a druid . Gheez druids already got the strongest spells. Titans lightning implosion mana shld. The necromancer the 1 that should get more powerful spells. Armegedon the best necro spell we got an titans lightnin an implosion does more damage. Dont 4get we paid 50 credits to play that chr to. Druid was free
11-04-19 19:05
vafunculo: paladins and necro have damage spells, so why should druid be the only class able to perform a distance attack?
2. pvp was implemented to increase difficulty and game excitement level, if players want to avoid being attacked they should port out of zone if they fear attack.
3. I am not saying if those rings are enough or not enough just pointing out that rings do exist for caster.
11-04-19 19:05
vafunculo: eliminating your location being shown on online players list would make it harder for a particular to hunt another...I had felt that the players list should not show location to prevent this since start of bd.
11-04-19 19:08
bork: widowmkr: Why boost a druid .


Gheez druids already got the strongest spells. Titans lightning implosion mana shld. The necromancer the 1 that should get more powerful spells. Armegedon the best necro spell we got an titans lightnin an implosion does more damage. Dont 4get we paid 50 credits to play that chr to. Druid was free

ANSWER: kidding aside i already pointed out the reasons, read em carefully. thanks. .. and i agree with you as for necros..
11-04-19 19:41
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