Ideas » helping new players
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diablo14: I think a new credit feature should be made to help new players get started. Buying a lvl 60 chr with lvl 60 gear ( chieftain, helm of glory, ancient shield and pioson mail) they would chose class and have 60 subs to pick ( one for each lvl) to make it how they want. Thinking 250 credits would be fair. Keep in mind this helps dreamer keeping game free and helping new players stay interested in game making it more fun for us. If they do use this option they should start on server 1.
11-07-09 18:17
the_death_dealer: If a prebuilt s1 chr was givin to new players it wold have to be lvl 25 and even then woldint make sense or are u sugesting leting them buy it?
11-07-09 18:24
sins-of-a-saint: I like this idea as long as they start on s 1. 250 credits seems like a fair price and I bet it would stir up the market a little better.
11-07-09 18:26
diablo14: Not given death, they would have to buy it
11-07-09 18:27
the_death_dealer: in that case i agree but a new lvl 60 starter gear wold hav to be made and sold by shops
11-07-09 18:34
diablo14: It wont have gems on lvl 60 gear. Lvl 60 gear is very common and cheap now. The four items you can find in market very cheap
11-07-09 18:41
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