Ideas » helping new players
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the_death_dealer: I agree either way
11-07-09 18:47
teeta: I don't really like this idea... And before you attack me, at least hear me out!

One of the greatest pleasures of any RPG is to start from the beginning with a level 1 character and build it to become big, strong, fast, rich, etc.

If you buy a pre-made high level character, there is no pride or accomplishments.

I realize that we need to think of ways that may help dreamer to earn more money, so Black Dragon can continue. But this idea is not the way to do that.

Also, consider this... how much respect will you have for the person who buys a ready made character? ZERO is the answer. And knowing the way guys behave, you guys will harass the person who bought that character. You know you would... :(
11-07-10 05:17
dreamer: teeta, it could be person's choice, noone would force to do that lol. That was just an idea, and it wouldn't hurt if this was made in server #1.
11-07-10 13:50
vayne: i have refered alot of players here but all stop playing because of stamina.. it governs how you play the game and simply destroys it.. i know mining and craft would always need stam but battles and movement is what annoys everyone.. i think either drasticly reduce xp from monsters or increase lvl gaps.. everyone expects to fight in a mmorpg.. its the stuck waiting or mining new accounts just to pass time.. on my pc i would need 5-8 accounts to keep busy at times.. if the game wants big players and lots of them.. stam needs abolished all but and a new lvl govenor in place if you think its needed.. btw i dont think lvl gaining restrictions in any game should be visable.. low xp wont put players off.. itll just make them try harder.. stam=argh
11-07-15 13:19
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