sepsis: New layout sux on my phone. Would be better to choose the layout from the settings menu. Current layout makes it frustrating to play, makes you think "to hell with game".
11-07-24 11:05
naplmdef: new set up sux. now i cant see anything when i want to move.on my pc,fine,i can see whole screen.on phn,i cant see squat when i move. change it back,this update stinks.
11-07-24 09:09
machete: wold be nice to move them were u want
11-07-24 08:50
sins-of-a-saint: I think its like a pair of shoes... you get used to how the old ones feel and have to break the new ones in. I think eventually we can all get acclimated with the new layout. Having said that ... I do like the idea of selecting different layouts in settings.
11-07-24 06:55
asylem: I'm good either way. My phone is a touch screen n both ways work great for me.
11-07-24 03:07