Ideas » Map/Item/Monster suggestions
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merchant-: add mystical scroll to get any title for magic scroll, if ur craft it with magic scroll ur will get any on magic scroll!
16-10-01 00:48
antrax109: Idea:

Amulet or ring, allowing the wearer have an extra bonus experience by eliminating a creature, according to the level that has, it could be:

* Amulet xix + 2% of experience.
* Ring cif + 0.5 experience.

Serious good that is adding these elements, also could add gems to it same.
16-11-13 21:48
ciege7: Ring of Strength X.
Craft three Ring of Strength Vs together.
Ring of Mana X.
Craft three Ring of Mana V.
Or amulets.
Stat boosts are double the ring or amulet of ... whatever... V.
To make those old items a little more interesting.
17-01-30 22:32
reboot: Add dungeon, fight monster, boss and get Treasure chest at the end.
Only can entering the dungeon for limited time/day or make it open only for a certain time.
The dungeon should has a rank to like from rank E (for level 1-20) D, C, B, A, S, SS.
Add the weekly dungeon to.
17-02-11 05:48
garmadon: New races: Archangel, Titan, Mage and Archangel, Titan and Mage potions.
17-07-31 14:27
garmadon: I suggest Potion of Elders and after using gives 1-99999 xp
17-07-31 18:38
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