Spell name : True Form
Effect : Increase Armor, Dex and Str. Chamce to reduce enemies Dex.
Value :
Armor + 20% - 50%
Dexterity + 40%
Strength + 40%
Enemy Dex reduced by 30% but will only happen 40% of the time. Enemy dex may not be effected (use only once)
Mana required : 1000
Requitrements :
class : Diablo
level : 100
wisdom : 800
14-01-20 05:01

Abillity: Does burn dmg to enemy, while surging you with more chance to attack successfuly.
14-02-27 06:13

Class: Air
Mana required: 85
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CLASS : Amazon
Wisdom : 70
Level required : 70
14-03-05 17:23

Class : Fire
Damage : 55-95
Mana required : 45
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Class : Amazon
Wisdom : 55
Level required: 60(Necropolis or Kregan city)
14-03-05 17:34

Class : Fire
Damage: 70-125
Mana required : 60
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Class : Amazon
Wisdom: 60
Level required: 60(necropolis or kregan city)
14-03-05 17:38