flesh_eater: Spell name: Weakness(master)
Effect: 100% on all mobs
Requirements: lvl 80,150 mana and 20
hope ya like it guys!
14-03-06 11:22
xtention: Spell name: drain
damage: absorb enemy hp by 5%
requirements: 100 wisdom
14-03-18 17:37
dark-light: Spell Name: Silince. Spell Effect: Prevents the caster and the provoked to cast any attacking spell. Requirement: 150 mana, 150 wisdom, level 70, Class: All
14-03-21 08:45
dark-light: Spell Name: Degrade. Spell Effect: Reduce enemies armor and spell protection. Class: Necromancer
14-03-21 09:18
dark-light: Spell name: Re-animate Effect: Creates a copy of self and increases the physical damage inflicted by 15% (15%). Requirements: Wisdom 50 Class: Necromancer
14-03-21 09:50
dark-light: Spell name: Summon (level 1) Effect: Summons an Undying that acts as a pet (Damage: 50-60 Agility: 60 Health: 150 Armor: 150) Requirement: Necromancer Level 70, Wisdom 150, Mana cost: 200. Detail: Spell Level increases every 40 wisdom.. Max Spell level: 5. Additional 15damage 10dexterity 15armor 20health every spell level. (still the pet can also engage in battle)
14-03-21 10:31