travalgars: Spell name: Blood Defence. Spell requirements: assassin level 30 wisdom 50 mana 10. Spell effect: reduce the impact of some magic attacks and
physical attacks by 50%
14-06-15 13:24
gones: Thunderclap spells:inflitch 30-40 damage and 20% to decrease enemy armor
14-07-07 04:26
-histuguya-: spell name : Lotus incress crit bonus 5%
14-07-10 16:43
-histuguya-: Spell name : Poison decreases enemy armor 10% =requi : class necromencer's
wisdom : 35
14-07-15 18:58
mfaiz: Glasers of flame
14-07-31 10:09
raditz: Ether Blast
Damage: 150-500
Element: None
Class: Druid
Level: 80
Wisdom: 500
Cost: 150 mana
14-08-01 04:30