Ideas » Spell ideas
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_pazazaran_: spell nama:dead
doubles dexterity and windom class:all lvl 90 dexterity 150 cost: 50 mana
14-08-09 12:04
andika1: Need New spell for druid Class: fire
Damage: 875-1375 (103-189)
Mana required: 250
Class: Druid
Wisdom: 1000
14-08-31 11:38
thundergodz1: new spell druid
class earth
damage 750-1350 and critical bonus 500%
requiment:lvl 80 dex 100 wisdom 150 cost:175
14-09-20 13:37
shadow_dark: Speel name : Real Vigor
Effec : ingcrease all magical damage 100% for 1 turn
Req : lvl 85 Wisdom 200
Job : Druid/Necromancer
14-10-08 04:05
shadow_dark: Spell name : fire blast
Effec : Deal magical damage 750 ingore resistan enemy 50%
Req : wisdom 250, lvl 85
Atribut Elemnt : Fire 50% & Air 50%
Job : Necromancer
14-10-08 04:10
shadow_dark: Spell name : fores Guard
Effec : reduc phisikal and magical damage 45% for 1 turn
elment : earth 50% & water 50%
Req : druid or barbar, mana coash 250 and lvl 85, Wisdom 450
14-10-08 04:19
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