sins-of-a-saint: I also think newbies should be given a "welcome" package that only is given when they register by clicking on a referal link. Nothing spectacular, perhaps a magic scroll, a couple of jewels, and 20 credits.
We all know that newbies will waste whatever you give them anyway.. However.. if you never heard of this game and someone said to you.. register with THIS link and you get extra goodies.. wouldn't you be more enticed to play?
11-09-13 02:41
idiot_terror: This wasn't my original idea but I think it's good.
For referals, give them a 2 RP [Referal points] Rewards or Non-transferable credits that can be use only for purchasing some game features (frenzy, supporter, stamina refill, random item, etc.)
On what level? Maybe you can decide on it

For New players, give them 2 Gift boxes recieved on certain level [One at level 20, one at level 45] that generate random item when used (depends on the character level). These could encourage them to level up and be active.
How to prevent cheating? Gift boxes can't be traded nor sell in the market at the same time, each box will be gone after 24hours, if not used.
11-09-13 02:58
morgana: I think like if someone registers thru your link you get a random item and like 10 credits when the player reaches level 50 that way you benifit from each person you invite and get rewarded for realy active players
11-09-13 06:11
morgana: The gift box idea is good too but i think maybe for that a random amulet and 2 rings as they are the hardest things for a new player to get and would help a new player most but given only to those invited by an active player
11-09-13 06:20
dreamer: Thanks for the ideas, guys. Non-refundable credits might help to solve the cheating issue.
11-09-13 09:04
benboga: i think if we invited new ppl here they will j0in but n0t sure if they will be active kn0w why?because of the 'm0nster's rank' th0se m0nsters w/above rank 7 are hard to kill thats why newbie will never be active sir dreamer

better to rem0ve m0nster ranks so the newbies will enjoy this game & they will be active i think
11-09-13 09:55