Announcements » Worlds Portal
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dreamer: Worlds Creator v0.01 was released, testing!

Few screenshots:
11-09-21 17:15
bahamut: world portal sounds cool.. you know an update we really need? because i do.. these potions do my head in.. all thats any use is rejuv pots please make them buyable charge 10k a shot charge 20k even just make it so i can hunt freely when i have stamia.. its bad enough we have ti wait on that refillibg then we get stoped by not being able to by a dumb pot..
11-09-20 14:31
hell-boy: i know. its been a long 5 days so far waiting on it.
11-09-20 01:41
muttleyaxe: I'm with ya on that lzrd! I cant wait!
11-09-19 21:19
lzrdking: Wow that sounds cool dreamer so each time u use portal it will be a different world with different units an items????? Im ready man lets go!
11-09-18 18:29
muttleyaxe: I love exploring so I definitely can't wait for this update!!!
11-09-16 06:50
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