cyclop: im excited about this worlds portal.

kinda bring you to another bd world & meet new things around. haha ~ ill wait.
11-09-15 13:47
gr33n420: oops i take that back my idea on way points in in announcments-suggestions for sever 2.
11-09-15 10:15
gr33n420: o sorry thats wrong. i was talking about way points in an old clan fourms. but the item leveling is posted in the ideas.
11-09-14 14:12
gr33n420: yea iv posted both of these updates in the ideas in like the last month ether on this acc or 420friendy.
11-09-14 14:05
dreamer: To be honest, I don't remember what you are talking about. There are so many ideas around, then I don't even know if someone has mentioned it or not.
11-09-14 14:02
gr33n420: seems like u liked some of my ideas... or at least part of them. like rings and amulet upgrading. are you considering using the potions part of that aswell? and now world portal. i called it way points put hey close enough and i really like it. keep the updates coming. im loving them.
11-09-14 14:01
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