Ideas » new quest rating system
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bahamut: the brackets are fine.. but a 20min counter on each quest mob would be great... you see an ace rank quest can sit for a month untouched because there stuipidly over powered.. this causes build up of high lvl quests.. a 20min timer on each qm would be ideal.. if its not killed it would be replaced with another random ranked monster..
11-10-18 13:23
project_d: I think he's means that there should be quest for level 1-10, then quest for level 11-20 and so on. I disagree, I think 20 levels is fine.
11-10-17 23:39
bahamut: between lvl40-60 all quests i come across are rank 8+ its because no ones capable of killing the damn things so all the rank 0-3 quests get wiped out and eventually replaced with 8+ ranked quests.. to kill them things takes a lot of potions and overall gives less xp than a scorpicore because you only get the kill xp..
11-10-14 16:13
lightning: I do a lot of quests and i would say that about 75 % are rank 0 or 1 . Its more a matter of me running around black dragon for 3 or 4 hours a night that get me that many not my lvl .
11-10-14 07:34
kingdomcome: i think quest shud be set 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, and so forth its really no fair for 80's competen against 90's or watever range bracket u wanna opinoin but rings true :)
11-10-13 16:14
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