tekctonick: Nope, if the server open the pvp it is unfair u are already take your gear and if the pvp is open in all area it should be wipe out first. Think about it. Dude peace be with you
12-04-18 13:31
bandito: with pvp i use to try like hell to upgrade my gear. lvl up faster. was always looking in mp for gear. trading gear. when hunting watching my heath in case of an attk. now just use what i got, no nead to buy credits. no rush to get to next lvl. just walk around attking whatever. waving at other players. nice safe place to play. Blah i say!
11-12-06 17:10
bandito: i agree sins. i havent used my chops char to lvl up at all. this char was started by my wife. i take gear from my ch0ps char and use it here. just messing around waitting for pvp to return. but yes it does get boring just hunting. with pvp you had to stay on top of your game. watch heath. search for better gear. you never knew when somebody would pop in and attk. that added excitement into game.
11-12-06 17:04
sins-of-a-saint: Look at how little I have leveled since pvp was removed and how inactive I have been.
Now look at my pvp record and you will see for a level 92 I rarely pvp'd.
Fact is this game is BORING without pvp.
I hope dreamer actually reads this. I feel like he gave up on us.
11-12-06 14:26
bandito: Look at the game, read the titles on the gear or even players. this game screams out. im a player vs player mortal combat type game. yet its just hunting game. one of the newbs task is to go to the battle arena and attk another player. PvP is an inportant part of the game that task says! Pvp in the arena or castle is lame at best. ive invited friends to try the game. thay tell me thay get bored. no real battles . no rewards and i agree!
11-12-04 15:14
kal-el: i kinda miss pvp but at the same time i agree with lightning.. now players cant be stalked and over the past few month average number of players online is 40+ now where it used to be as low as 16
11-12-03 09:37