decade_6jahanam: thats cool.agree with that idea. .like online ryl game. .+ make 1 item that can reset all the stats to 0 and we can change stats to what set of stats we want.
12-02-23 14:57
muttleyaxe: Please post that in Ideas Forums. This Forum is for Faq & Information for Blackdragon.
12-02-25 05:07
mammut01: .oh,okay sir muttley,or madam muttley?the topic says for suggestion. We'll go in ideas instead,and hope it would be executed.
12-02-25 17:00
nobel: What,is the function.Of=Portal...?
12-02-27 10:36
mammut01: I suggest for admin to remove purchase of recipe on random to selective. As we can see,recipes that comes out are often the same.
12-02-28 15:48
mammut01: and i also suggest something about scrolling. Scrolling must not go downgrade an item. Example, a scrolled ancient's behemoth angelic axe must not go behemoth's or even lower title.
12-02-28 16:21