ana-carolina: Pets and spells on library ll be nice
12-03-18 16:25
superbeast: I suggest for limiting register/ip.. Because now some old player register a new char and post in chat like child/newbie... But they have high experience in black dragon, like crossing any good gear from char a to b..isnt fair huh? Please think about it for mod or admin.. So we can more fun when playing this game. thank you.
12-04-01 08:47
f3ar: Hey Dreamer how about making preimum and / or supporter available on a daily basis? A 24 hour period. Some of us could use the extra storage benifits or increased Monster Titled Items better that way. I dont have alot of time 2 play right now but can play 4 a day or 8 hrs here nd there. I would pay 2c a day for supporter or 5c a day for primum alot more often than paying 10-25 per week.
12-04-11 18:09
f3ar: And I totally agree with mammut01 on the scrolling upgrade only idea. There have been many times that i have decided not 2 'take the chance' with scrolling an item. That costs u money bro.
12-04-11 18:16
hanz10: i have a suggestion..
can you please add a "use" option in potion stores. so that we can save time than doing the routine buy>inventory>potion>use.
12-06-12 05:38
xet: spell: frenzy(master) for barbs
12-11-15 08:38