Announcements » wise up
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diablo: We all lvld and started with weak gear.. nothing was given to us.. we earned what we have and u noobs want everything free..
11-12-11 07:59
bahamut: i say all players shouldnt sell diablo so much as a dagger or buy even his legendary gear for 3creds if offered.. then well see who uses who. and also how fast he gets sick of holding onto worthless crap
11-12-11 08:02
bahamut: wth you on about.. i see none of the lvl60+ members asking for anything for free.. if you dont wanna sell then dont... hord your crap all you want
11-12-11 08:04
lightning: What about the players with weak gear ? We were all once players with weak gear . And i hate to say it but anybody that would spend 150c to get a certain title then sell it for 20 or 30 aint to smart . My bank is nearly full of good titled gear because i cant sell it for what its worth . I would rather just give it away to friends or clanmates than sell it for the prices im offered . Those prices are an insult . Therefore when bd is over for me i will retire with a bank full of titled gear and yall can retire with your credits
11-12-11 08:05
bahamut: go to any shop you want and buy something.. then go sell it for what you payed.. i dont know anywhere in life you can do that
11-12-11 08:06
sircritalot: I REALLY LIKE LIGHTNING! your right bro, all of us started from a newbie, and we know how hard it is without gear, instead of letting the newbies suffer we must help them to increase bd's pouplation. Time come, bd players will quit, hehe.
11-12-11 08:14
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