Announcements » wise up
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tok3r: Lmao, its just an example. You'd be surprised how many people buy drugs in America.
11-12-11 08:45
bahamut: i dont care if im running round in full trog gear.. fact is this threads complaining bout noobs wanting cheap gear.. gear thats no use to you at all.. either stop crying or dont sell it
11-12-11 08:45
diablo14: Why you arguing so much bahamut if you don't mind using crap gear? All I did is let it be known most if not all new players are lazy..
11-12-11 08:50
tok3r: The thing is everyone plays for 1 reason, and that reason is they want to be the best and have the best but they don't know the shit we went thru to get what we have. Diablo is just telling us we need to wise up and not sell our gear for pennies on the dollar. I admit that I have been guilty of selling gear that took me 60-70 credits to make for 20 credits. We just trying to make players realize that it take a shit load of work to get good gear and they should see how well they fair when they try to hunt or scroll top gear.
11-12-11 08:51
bahamut: look im not trying to take the fact you worked hard for your things.. i understand that fully.. but thats life i have alot of respect for alot of the top players.. truth is im pissed at diablo for his bully tactics earlier today.. he had a lvl49 char using a castle he wanted.. instead of just pking his ass he started crying and told his clan to stop trading with mine
11-12-11 09:03
bahamut: i had alot of respect for diabo because he has accomplished so much but that behavior isnt fitting of a 10yo.. now hes flexin again.. now everybodies cut off.. i say make it 365 days cos i give a shit less than i respect you right now
11-12-11 09:07
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