This is resale price maintenance plain and simple.
It harms nobody.
Take for instance my Giant's dragon crest I would like to sell.
Suppose the minimum price set by players was 150c (fair considering the item cannot be dropped or crafted and takes several scrolls to get the title)
If the crest was set at 150c minimum and a player bought the crest for 150c.. how are they harmed????
Should they decide they don't need it anymore, with a system of fixed minimum prices... they could resell and make there credits back.
Thus the term resell price maintenance.
12-01-11 13:43

12-01-11 22:57

Try searching the market for a dragon crest...
I will save you the trouble.
There is one listed for 429million credits.
Lmao... I will let the market set the price then, and here I was willing to sell it for 150c.
I am sorry the school of "hard knocks" has turned you into a petty devil's advocate whom always has to have the last word.
While we are on the subject of hard knocks.. Let me tell you something...
Yes I graduated from college and yes I have a great job.
Of course I have been working 40+ hours a week since I was twelve to help my mum pay the bills in our rat infested ghetto apartment.
I didn't graduate college til I was 30 because I had to work 60 hours a week to support my family AND pay for college. Thus, I could only take classes part-time.
I graduated with a 3.5 in college... But trust me I got a 4.0 in the school of hard knocks.
I guess you majored in "whining"
I majored in "don't sell yourself short"
Thats exactly what I will not do. I will not invest my time and credits into an item only to sell myself short later.
You know what I find the most perplexing though?
You are a mediocre player at best whom spends more time chatting and complaining on the forums than you do actually playing.
Why you worry about such things as the price items that sell in mp, which are usually level 80+ and you will likely never wear, I do not know...
However, worry not teeta, by the time you are big enough to wear them... They will be the proverbial "great swords" that you spoke of earlier in this thread... Old, out of date, "passe"....
Just like you.
12-01-12 05:06

You keep trying to badger and bludgeon the rest of BD into believing that you have the right or authority to set what YOU believe to be fair market value for goods. I believe that the market will set its own standards. You can call that Devil's Advocacy if you choose. But I refuse to say "Yas Suh, Massuh!" to you, ever.

12-01-12 06:49

12-01-18 13:30