radical: aww losing gear item when died, inventory is ok,,better take an extra good care..
11-12-26 03:02
teeta: Yes kal one of those games was Shade. Another game that I play has a rule that if a PKer gets PKd his character suffers permanent death. That makes PKers get real cautious...
11-12-26 04:01
idiot_terror: Only one problem I encountered, it took me a couple of minutes loading the map with all the images when using my phone lol maybe you can change the moving fire of a torch to still fire.
11-12-26 19:04
kenron347: Haven't tried pvp yet coz i'm the weakest of them all. But this is good update especially for pvp fans.
11-12-27 01:53
ashe: I love this update dreamer thank you so much
11-12-27 05:16
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