Off-topic » zombie apocolypse
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chops: get cb raidios. cell phones wont work. find power souce. generators. fuel for power equipment. cars etc.
12-03-23 14:22
chops: plan an excape. points of intrest. police stations. sporting good shops. armorys etc. to find body armor weapons. there be others like you trying to take what u got.
12-03-23 16:06
chops: woman wanted to re populate the world. id say 3 woman to 1 man ratio.
12-03-23 16:08
shirako123: Lmao some peoples never touch in a weapon and say: "In zombie apocalipse i ll kill all zombies"
12-03-23 16:15
chops: id be more afraid of infected peaple from germ warfare and or the goverment takeover
12-03-23 19:39
eurynome: Get help from Aliens & ask them to find a cure or just tell them to Wipe the Dead planet out from milky way galaxy. xvxv
12-03-24 17:26
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