lesstats: Diablo class that u cn buy for crds better spell for chr and pvp with other people have better gear for lvl 80 and 90 pet gear and higher gems level
12-06-23 00:29
androidz: since this game is ruled with credits, if possible put some credit drops even 1c to encourage players to continue hunting, random drops of any monster kind/level but not on castle mobs, since it could be easy for playerz to hunt in castle specialy the high level players, 0.001%drop rate to make it uneasy to get d drop. Next, make m0nthly events so that player will have a goal to get (special award, same as finishing a task but prizes is legendary item, releasing of legendary dragons in the field or arena but no prize as s2 have). Another thing, enable pvp in field with c0nfirmati0n message so that player can enjoy pvp even n0t in castle or arena with 10-25%drop rate. Last, daily bonus: if player is always online the higher the chance to get bonus(1stamina/day, 1magic scroll for 1week,1jewel for 3week)by clicking bonus link with n0 absent or playing c0nsecutive days atleast 30%chance. With this i idea i think this game would be m0re fun and exciting to play also encourage player to stay online. More power admin and God bless
12-06-23 00:27
morena: I wanna be a billionare
12-06-23 00:15
graychell: Put some spell buff in druid like increasing wisdom nah this wouldnt happen .Rofl.
12-06-23 00:10
ashe: Dreamer if u going to do updates just please don't make all the updates that make game easier lol. Ya we need to get players here and keep them here so incentive updates are great just please don't make game even easier and boring lol make updates that reward hard work in the game and updates that challenge us that's what is fun being able to kill a ace ghost behemoth in 3 hits is no fun. Just my thoughts on updates
12-06-23 00:08