kenron347: New spells. Armor break! Reduces enemy armor (paladin). Soul crush! Damage is based on opponent's max hp or maybe multiplies endurance and deals as damage(druid). Mimic! Copies opponent's last used spell (druid/paladin). Sacrifice! User sacrifice 20% or 30% max hp but next attack deal max damage (barb). Double casting! Next spells casted will deal double damage (paladin/druid).
Berserk! User lowers his armor but deals extra damage much stronger than bloodlust(barb). Gravity bomb! Damage will be based on opponent's dexterity multiplied by 2 (druid). Just ideas. To even up druid's and paladin's disadvantage against barb when reaching high levels and barbs gains new and better spells but will be cautious when to use them.
12-06-23 05:42
hridesh: Place sprite and pixie in the castle
12-06-23 04:58
darkelf: also a pet battle arena where pets fight according to their level requirement. if a pet has level 60 pet requirement like bear king it can only fight same level 60 pets like the crocodile king or unicorn. that way high level players will have something else to focus on besides wondrin around with no new purpose. xD thanks for reading.
12-06-23 04:30
darkelf: this suggestion is all about pets. i do like to bring my pet with me in battle and if its possible can you add equipment slots on them? that way we can customize them in our way. or maybe add crystals that increase stats to our pet like attack crystal: +5 permanent to pets attack and so on. dragons are the strongest pet here but if i can make my bear king strong that would be great.
12-06-23 04:25
vanish: I have read all comments so far and agree totally that scrolls should not degrade an item .
12-06-23 03:24