12-07-07 14:29

Now every time a player prestieges they would receive a prestiege token to be used on buying very special perks that can't be gained in any other way for example they could be used to buy a spell from a different class or the ability to wear another classes armor or a dragon titled piece of gear.. Just something to make peoples hard work worth while instead of them fighting for nothing.. I think this could make a huge difference to new and old players and would also go a long way into removing the un equalities in pvp that stand right now.
12-07-07 18:49

Str 4
Dex 8
End 4
Wis 4
Class spells
Deal 400% Damage
Cast only once but lasts 3 rounds.
Starting 50%
Each 1 wisdom ads 1% to damage dealt and each 5 wisdom adds 1% to crit effectiveness
Chance of taking item from enemys bag..
Makes your next attack do 0 damage
Chance of avoiding battle.
Starts at 50%
Class gear would be higher dex but lower armor than barbarian with moderate stregnth
12-07-07 19:03

Str 6
Dex 6
End 4
Wis 4
Spells same as barbarian
Gear same as barbs but beserkers can't use a shield.. This class can however dual weild swords
12-07-07 19:14

Str 2
Dex 6
End 3
Wis 9
Soul bind
Removes dex effect if successful.. Al attacks will hit..
Chance 50%
Soul crush
Halfs enemys max damage if successful
Starts at 50%
Absorb damage
Heals by damage delt in round used.. Only once per battle
Basicly a druid in terms of gear and all other spells but missing stoneskin
12-07-07 19:41

to push this idea about castle
game event.. On
event . .event mobs appear
on castle. . Event mobs have
tones of hp let say 10million
hp . . That event mobs have
200minions are small mobs
lets say power of event mobs
was only like rank3 devil
king . .while its minions
power was only like hydra
and have let say
50,000hp. . .every time you
kill the minions -50k hp on
event mobs in that case any
lvl can join and attack on
event mobs. . .what can you
say? Its fun all can join
12-07-09 06:39