krixus: New class
Str 6
Dex 6
End 4
Wis 4
Spells same as barbarian
Gear same as barbs but beserkers can't use a shield.. This class can however dual weild swords
12-07-07 19:14
krixus: New class
Str 4
Dex 8
End 4
Wis 4
Class spells
Deal 400% Damage
Cast only once but lasts 3 rounds.
Starting 50%
Each 1 wisdom ads 1% to damage dealt and each 5 wisdom adds 1% to crit effectiveness
Chance of taking item from enemys bag..
Makes your next attack do 0 damage
Chance of avoiding battle.
Starts at 50%
Class gear would be higher dex but lower armor than barbarian with moderate stregnth
12-07-07 19:03
krixus: Right now there is no goal in bd.. So to try and make a goal I thing dreamer should ad a prestiege system.. Soon as a player reaches lvl100 they would be able to start over at lvl1 with a little meddle next to there name.. Similar to a mod badge but different colors and with a small number on it to indicate how many times the player has prestieged.. I'm not sure if you would put a limmit on how many times you can prestiege but I'm guessing 20 would be more than enough anyway..
Now every time a player prestieges they would receive a prestiege token to be used on buying very special perks that can't be gained in any other way for example they could be used to buy a spell from a different class or the ability to wear another classes armor or a dragon titled piece of gear.. Just something to make peoples hard work worth while instead of them fighting for nothing.. I think this could make a huge difference to new and old players and would also go a long way into removing the un equalities in pvp that stand right now.
12-07-07 18:49
tarzanx24: Ill make an idea about castle game! I hope theres an event for clan and castle game heres my suggestion: every week should have castle game event for clan my idea was put an Dragons or Some special mobs for event only then that mobs have tones of hp let say 10million Hp, that mobs was not super strong let say mobs power was like Devil king rank3 only, then heres happen, when that special mobs appear on castle all player can attack that event mobs without recievieng "you cant attack somebody attack" in that case many player can attack on that event mobs ... And heres the price! #1 The player who killed that event mobs recieve special prize like 10c or 10 magic scroll #2 his clan own the castle on 1 week (then nxt castle event again after 1week) #3 clan recieve lots of points every castle they captured by killing mobs event and post it on clan rankings ... - in castle event you can pvp anyone without limited battles, i mean you can pvp many times until event mobs didnt killed no limitation... No gold , gear and item drop or loosed on castle for free for all to join !
12-07-07 14:29
silver_eyes: Close player stat and item option of other player... Means you cant see other player stat and Item wearing... Put an option if you agree or not to see by other your gear... In this game all are suprise and think first before attack . . And closed boost option of other .. In that case you can't see what jewel use of player .. This game will full of suprises and fun... All player thnk 1st before do some action
12-07-06 09:33
kmccloy1: I wish the blacksmith would sell me some vitamin C and some bubble wrap to layer up with to try to get by these stupid Blood Minotars.
12-07-05 18:49