abraham: Dreamer, it is better if same item is going to merge like for example you have two stamina pots. It nice when it merge like stamina potion (2) the number two is indicating that you have two stamina pots in your inventory or keeper.
12-07-03 15:46
dragonknight25: Fix: set link use and delete down the potion
Full rejuvenation potion
Use Delete item
it very useful for pvp
12-07-03 10:12
laimiausias: Com back tankistas from moderation
12-07-02 20:09
laimiausias: Moderator from lithuania, and chat rooms from lithuania plys!!!
12-07-02 09:40
floridaboy: I wish for a clan messaging in inbox. A clickable tab where I can message my clan mates in just one click in same message
12-07-02 09:40
kevinastyone: Yeah I agree with mammut there should be segregation of sender's msg and arrange alphabetically plus action like mark/unmark or mark all
12-07-02 09:34