dreamer: I have made my conclusions. Topic closed - thanks for the discussion.
12-07-10 00:36
oenamaus: That would work in any arena ashe.. All attackers will need banned from pvp arenas.. Hahaha I never noticed that..
12-07-09 18:14
clash: There is a flaw dreamer would have to fix. Lvl 70 to 79 attackers could avoid us bigger nuetrals simply by attacking and then running to tatalia btacada or nighon arenas. I can't get to them for disturbing the peace there. Dreamer you may need to address that issue its a attacker loop hole
12-07-09 11:43
deathgrin: n0 im n0t suggesting channel list,.. hahaha.., all i want is fair ., im just comparing to the other., wats good for the pvp on rpg,. i agree on/off pvp but even if they are off pvp they stil be attack by other but small percentage of dr0p rate,., and on pvp m0re than percentage and to the killer or attacker m0re m0re% dr0p rate,. ,.. if u want to attack player or revenge u must on first ur pvp,. off pvp/peace m0de dr0p rate will be 5% and on pvp/pk m0de dr0p rate will be 10% and attacker/killer dr0p rate 25%,... if they bec0me a killer on pvp, still on,. they can only turn off ther pvp until the time limit is d0ne
12-07-09 06:18
deathgrin: n0 im n0t suggesting channel list,.. hahaha.., all i want is fair ., im just comparing to the other., wats good for the pvp on rpg,. i agree on/off pvp but even if they are off pvp they stil be attack by other but small percentage of dr0p rate,., and on pvp m0re than percentage and to the killer or attacker m0re m0re% dr0p rate,. ,.. if u want to attack player or revenge u must on first ur pvp,. off pvp/peace m0de dr0p rate will be 5% and on pvp/pk m0de dr0p rate will be 10% and attacker/killer dr0p rate 25%,... if they bec0me a killer on pvp, still on,. they can only turn off ther pvp until the time limit is d0ne
12-07-09 06:18
ryojo01: SUPER LIKE!!!
fr3nzy: This is called PVP in forums lol 12-07-07 22:47 Delete
12-07-09 05:03