krixus: I understand you want pvp ashe but a lot of players don't want it at all.. So why are you so insistant that pvp be made a forced choice the majority of players who have no wish for pvp at all.. An option allows pvp fans to have full pvp everywhere and it allows players to hunt in peace if they choose also.. I just don't understand why the choice system upsets you.. To me it just seems the logical way to do things no one could be upset about having an option unless they wer themselves a bully who wants to fight with players that have no wish for pvp
12-07-07 19:24
teeta: That is because a very vocal minority want to force their choices on the quieter majority. It shouldn't be that hard to understand. Some people base their self esteem on how big & bad they are in an RPG game & it makes them feel powerful to be able to play God with other player's characters. You've seen what they say in chat. It's all about EGO & believing that PVP bullying makes them better than other people. They believe that only their wishes matter, no-one else's wishes matter at all. Simple.
12-07-07 20:18
clash: For one I am not ashe I am clash. For another that system has already been tried and failed. On off option just won't work. I won't bully anyone when pvp starts watch my chr it will remain nuetral. I am going after the attackers. It will improve this game substantially and add excitement and fun again. And for the last time pvp is not being forced on you. No pvp was forced on us in a game that was designed for pvp
12-07-07 21:47
clash: Teeta that isn't true I will attack no one but the attackers. I don't know why you so dead set against pvp when you haven't left erathia in a year
12-07-07 21:49
You're uninformed clash.
12-07-07 21:58
clash: I'm not uniformed teeta I've been around this game since it started. On off was tried and it failed
12-07-07 22:07