Announcements » Vote on Pvp changes!
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tarzanx24: But if dreamer make this. . If you become attacker you can attack all level,, surely many weak will P'kd ... I hope dreamer make an clear announcement coz here my question : Dreamer said if you become attacker you can attack by all lvl but attacker can also attack all lvl?
12-07-08 01:04
tarzanx24: And heres more if im right (coz dreamer uncleared msg) , once you become attacker you can posibly attack by other but attacker cant attack player if its not on their bracket heres happen: if lvl 50-59, attack lvl 50-59 he become attacker all level can pvp the attacker but the attacker pvp only by its bracket, means.. Lvl 50-59 attacker cant attack lvl 49 below but lvl 49below can attack you! . . . What is the bullying in that part?
12-07-08 00:59
ashe: I don't care what you guys do. Until muttleyaxe diablo toker and sins come back I won't either. So do whatever you want
12-07-08 00:58
tarzanx24: Why other afraid on pvp? Dont worry guys if theres an attacker! Attackerz will be pulvurize coz all hunt them haha, they cant bully coz they hunt too by much stronger than them... And yet the pvp on neutral happen by bracket by 10 only, it means you can't attack low lvl by 10 unless low level become attacker! Attacker never stand to be the bullied coz many strong than them will hunt them.. Dont afraid on pvp guys if pvp was not drop gear mode..
12-07-08 00:51
teeta: More nonsense. How can someone steal a killshot? At this point in time, you can't take somebody else's monster unless they have timed out on the attack timer. I've had plenty of monsters taken from me when I had to drink pots or even port to a town to buy pots. I don't whine about that. It's a chance I take, if I underestimate how many pots I'll need on a hunt.
12-07-08 00:42
oenamaus: Hahaa so it comes down to quest kills again.. I had this convo with ashe a long time ago.. You can't allow players to bully anyone just because you may get beat to a quest kill now an then.. Its only a game so let people hunt who enjoy that and let people pvp who enjoy that also.. Its pretty simple
12-07-08 00:36
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