Announcements » Vote on Pvp changes!
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clash: For the last time 2 years ago the pvp on off button was tried it failed. If players leave more than leaves will come because of pvp. I'm done talking to brick walls. Can't you understand once a player attacks you he becomes a attacker and is open for any level to attack. He can't run once he disdurbs the piece he can't log off or enter towns. No gear loss except arenas and mayby castles. I'm done with it you guys fear change so much you make up excuses. I don't wanta lose my gold or have to use my stamina. Well I don't want to play a boring game either. Dreamer has gave into you I want everything with no risk people long enough. More powerful gear great update rite. Jewels to make you even more powerful great update. You just want to hit a quest 1 time kill it and reap reward no danger no excite. But all reward. This is my last post on the issue have fun people.
12-07-08 13:33
clash: Oh if I seemed rude or like I didn't value all of your guys ideas I appologize because everyones feelings matters. I just got agravated that I couldn't get you guys to see the benefits of attacker an nuetral pvp. Again my apology if I came over that way it wasn't my attention to do so
12-07-08 13:37
tarzanx24: I laugh on your idea oenamaus haha evil and goodland its like s1 and s2 also s1 is the good land while s2 is the evil land haha what is the difference of that on ON and OFF? Hahaha
12-07-08 13:44
oenamaus: You say its like talking to a wall but then that's exactly how I feel.. If there is an option to play pvp or not then new players will play full pvp because that's what they want.. If they don't want it then they won't play pvp.. Are you really that stuipid that you are going to go on and ignor this fact.. If somone wants pvp they will turn it ON if they are new or old it had no difference they choose what they prefer and go with it.. If the new player or old player chooses OFF then they won't have pvp.. Its really very simple and you are acting like a 3yo child who has spat there dummy out.. Put your dummy back in and accept the fact there is no bad reason for dreamer to make it a choice except that it means bullies can't dictate how players play
12-07-08 14:14
oenamaus: And if you read my idea properly I said good zones and evil zones.. There would only need to be a few for each race.. Kinda like how castles are now but just for either good or evil players and no pvp inside them.. Quest zones would all stay pvp as mentioned in the attacker/neutral scenario and apretty much all areas would be pvp.. But players who don't feel ready for pvp would not have to be forced into it at any point.. I think you have an urge to hurt weak new members if you opose the choice system.. There is no other reson to opose it
12-07-08 14:21
laimiausias: My PvP woking
12-07-08 14:50
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