deathgrin: on/off pvp is g0od,..
off pvp/peace mode..
if s0me0ne attack the player that in off or peace m0de they become killer/attacker
on/pk m0de
if s0meone attack that in on / pk m0de just n0thing
bef0re u can attack the player even if they are in peace m0de u must turn it on ur pvp
base on other game crystal saga

i like that,..
12-07-08 21:22
deathgrin: and before u can revenge th0s who kill u or attack u must turn it on also ur pvp..
those who bec0me a killer/attacker they cann0t turn it off ther pvp until 1hr or 2,3,4 m0re killing on peace m0de, m0re hours , s0 every0ne can hunt th0se killer
12-07-08 21:31
clash: Shade was not ruined by pvp as a matter of fact pvp is why shade lasted 20 years. Unheard of in mmorpg game. Capcom killed shade by no updates
12-07-08 22:28
teeta: 1st: Shade is not a thing of the past, it is still running.
2nd: Shade hasn't run for 20 years. It started in about 2001.
12-07-08 22:49
teeta: Clash, you DON'T value our opinions or ideas. You continually call us names & mock us because we haven't jumped on the PVP bandwagon & started singing its praises. Saying that you value our ideas & opinions, then calling us names & mocking us for them is simply schizophrenic. You can't do both.. Get it?
12-07-08 22:56
tarzanx24: Many afraid on Loosing and get Pkd without Nothing loosed on them or else gold and some inventory item only and yet all i want to Say is you never a weak and being a weak forever . .ON and OFF is a player afraid on Risk they want hunt easily and when they got become strong they full their trigger to ON pvp hahaha you want 1st become strong while you can become strong if many risk on playing you can do it if thex can
12-07-09 00:04